Monday 23 September 2013

Why rugby is better than netball

Why rugby is better than netball
Today I’m going to tell you why I know rugby is better   than netball.
I know rugby is better than netball because in rugby you do more running and you get to do tackling and kicking, but in netball its boring because you barely do anything, all you do is step and pass and throw.
So yeah its boring.
All the All Blacks from rugby have commercials.
So that’s what you need to know about why rugby is better than netball!      

Dear Tyler

We enjoyed your story! We would like to give you a star for making a good comparison of the skills used in each sport and a star for using an extra point (about the All Blacks’ commercials) to support your reasons. Our wish is that you would do more reading J

Mum & Dad

Rugby Vs Netball

In Rugby you need to do defence, forward passes,  knock on, tackle and run more. In netball all you do is pass, take one step and shoot.
In rugby it is a bigger paddock so you do more exercise.
In netball you only get a whimpy graze.
In rugby its extremely harder to get a try because you can get tackled and face plant in mud. Hopefully if you play netball you will change sport to rugby after reading my story.

Hi Seamus,

Wow! You made your persuasive writing sound like rugby was really exciting to play by using “face plant in the mud” and you put me off playing netball as there is no way I would want a “whimpy graze”.

We thought another way to present your story would be to organize the points into two paragraphs so that the first paragraph talks about the rugby points and the second paragraph talks about the netball points.

Ka mau te wehi! Kia pai tō rā.
Awesome! Have a nice day.

Rugby is more skilful than Netball

Rugby is more skilful than Netball
Hey, did you know that Rugby is more skilful than netball?
I believe that Rugby is more skilful than Netball because you can tackle and you get really fit but in Netball you only stand around, pass and shoot and in Rugby you can run up and down 100 metre field and  get muddy.
And that’s way Rugby is way more skilful than Netball.
                                   By George
1 wish,I like how you like to get
muddy, I like your description of why you think rugby is better than netball.
But I do like netball more than rugby!
Sorry George

Kids should have less homework

Kids should have less homework 
Do you think kids should have less homework? I do.  you just came home  from school . imagin its been a long day at school,you’re really tired and you just want to rest not do more school work!!!

Secondly  what if its your birthday  and you are having a party you’ll just want to have fun !!!l

Lastly what is the point of homework like in room 1,2,3,5,6 you read your story at school with your teacher then you  take it home and read it again!!!
That’s why I believe kids should have less homework.

Hi Jasmine

Here are my two stars and a wish for your story writing

Your story is very funny and it shows that you have put a lot of thought into why you should not have so much homework

My Wish- Is that you use a Font that is easy to read, because even with my new glasses I still have to squintJ

I really enjoyed reading your story and hope that you have a good day

From Mum



Have you ever  thought about how many animals get  abandoned every year? I have and the number of animals that do, you will not like it!

Firstly, animals can’t feed themselves because they have four legs and not two arms and two legs.

Secondly, if animals can’t take care  of themselves imagine what they will be like on the road.

Finally, the rarest sort of animals can become extinct soon because they are getting  abandoned and hurt.

Those are my three reasons why you should not abandon animals.

Dear Brooklyn

What we liked about your story.... That you talked about abandoned animals as we have an abandoned animal. We also liked how you raised some good points in your story.The part we wish you could change was about how some animals could become extinct due to being  abandoned.When I asked you what sort of animal you said Kiwi's. Kiwi's are not abandoned they live in the wild. But still A very good story.
So well done Magoo

Love From Mum & Derek